Oliver Steindler

Oliver Steindler
BritishEdu Consultant (China)

  • Currently living in Beijing, Oliver is studying for two degrees – one in International Business and a second in Chinese Medicine.
  • Oliver spent 6 years in Asia: 2 years in Thailand on 90% scholarship at International British School of Regents and 4 years in China.
  • Oliver has developed substantial knowledge of educational systems around the world and a variety of language skills. Oliver speaks Chinese, English, French, Czech and Slovak fluently, and maintains a curiosity for learning other languages.
  • Before coming to Asia, Oliver used to study at the French-taught Natural Science section in the prestigious GJN public secondary school in Prague.
  • Oliver’s charity work includes president of Rotary interact from 2009-2010, and he is a current member of Rotaract Beijing.
  • Another major activity of Oliver’s is golf, as he represented his home club and later used his language skills and golf knowledge on PGA and LPGA events.
  • In his early years, Oliver acted in Czech television series and films, while also doing television voiceovers. Oliver now often plays improvisational piano in a jazz band. Oliver comes from a talented family – his mother is actress and the owner of GAPE art secondary school in Prague, while his father is a film director.
  • Oliver is a passionate and well educated young gentleman who can offer sound advice as well as useful information to students and their parents with an approach that is realistic and friendly.

Oliver Steindler 欧立文
Tel: +86 1860 119 4412
Email: oliver@britishedu.co.uk
