
Alen Maulitov

Currently studying a BSc course in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Magdalena was helping me already in the early stages of the application process. She was a tremendous help in picking the right universities, frequently supplying me with university rankings and consulting me on each one of them. Magdalena helped the most, by putting me in touch with actual students or alumni, which provided me with an insight into personal experiences that were crucial in my final decision.

Magdalena’s help proved to be essential especially during the process of application, as I was a stranger to UCAS and the whole English system of higher education. She has a perfect knowledge of the application process and an uderstanding of admission officer’s mentality. She helped me to understand the process at each stage and truly apprehend its structure and keypoints, to make the best out of my application.

In critical stages of applying, Magdalena was there to help me in all possible ways. She helped me to structure and formulate my personal statement, to make it more appealing and did the necessary proof-reading. Yet Magdalena’s help went beyond the application: she prepared me for interviews, helped me to gather documents and get an UK visa and most importantly apply for university funding (the two latter being just as hard).

More importantly Magdalena’s help was more than material: providing me with friendly support and giving me self-confidence. Magdalena was there to support me throughout all of the process and by the end she truly became a friend. Magdalena helped me to get in a university of my first choice. Many of my friends also got into a wide range of universities in UK, thanks to Magdalena’s help.

I can vouch for Magdalena as a very friendly, qualified and beneficial advisor. She undoubtedly greatly improved my chances of succeeding and I would recommend her services to anyone planning to apply to university in UK.


Emanuel Poche

Freshman in the University of Kent, studying English and American Literature with Creative Writing

Overall my experience with Magdalena, a BritishEdu representative,could not have been better. I cannot stress enough how amazing, suportive and most of all informative their representative was. We sat down for coffee with me and my father and she single-handedly reassured us that everything will be alright. Not only that, after our initial meeting she answered to my questions she must have heard a million times before with patience and illuminating clarity. She knew exactly how much I would have to spend on tuition as well as my day-to-day needs, and if there was something she didn’t know (which didn’t happen often!), she knew where to look and got me the information in a matter of seconds.

Before contacting BritishEdu, I was a mess and I seriously couldn’t have done it without Magdalena’s help! I recommend BritishEdu services whole-heartedly!


Filip Savi

Currently studying a BSc (Hons) course in Banking & International Finance at the Cass Business School City University London.

My experience with BritishEdu was incredible. Magdalena was definitely one of the people that helped me the most to find a place on a British university. She has a wealth of knowledge about the higher educational system in UK. She had already helped hundreds of high school students to enroll in British universities, so by the time I was applying, she already knew very well what had to be done. She helped me during the entire UCAS process of my application to the university. I want to recommend her highly professional services she provides. Not only she helped me with the application itself, but also solved many other questions related to the process of studying in UK. She introduced me to the UCAS platform, explained in detail all the procedures that had to be done, even motivated my English professor to write the recommendation letter and provided me with some insight about which universities as well as suitable programmes I should pick. Magdalena also gave me an invaluable advice on how to compose my personal statement. Besides many high school students including myself, Magdalena has gotten all of her three children enrolled on good universities in London.

I would highly recommend BritishEdu services to anyone considering a higher education in Great Britain.


Mirjana and Ivan

We were so lucky to find out about BritishEdu and have Magdalena take us through the loads of information about Higher Schooling in the UK. She guided and coached our daughter Irina, during the whole process of selecting universities in the UK. She not only efficiently helped Irina prepare her application but she also helped her to prepare herself personally, as well as us make us more aware as parents as to what to expect during this process and after. Magdalena has extensive knowledge about how to succeed in entering the university best suited according to your objectives. She was also excellent at motivating our daughter and making sure all elements of the aplicaiton were done on time. Every décision was made while having prior clarifications and insight from her part. All in all she really gave us invaluable support as a familiy to feel more confident that the right choices were made, and that all essential questions were answered on time. Magdalena really made the whole process easy and stress-less.

I strongly recommend BritishEdu to anyone who wishes to make sure they have the highest chances of getting into the British School best fitted to their interests and goals.